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Ofelia Jarl Ortega - The Calling

December 21, 2024

"To say that relationships are competitions is almost as uncomfortable as saying that art is, beyond its Kumbaya pretense, but then we also know what’s competitive about survival of the fittest, most attractive, most attracted, most resourceful.", writes Ashik Zaman after seeing Ofelia Jarl Ortega's The Calling at weld.


​Flex n' Chill with Maja Fredin

December 21, 2024

Maja Fredin has been on our radar since her BA degree project in 2017. It stills stands out as one of the most ambitious we've seen. Maja has dived headfirst, like she often does, into the field of bodybuilding, "Even if I am still critical of the self-fulfilling consumerism that I’m now also am a part of, there is beauty to be found in the building of one’s own body.", she shares.


Death & Squeeze: Ann-Sofie Back and Tyra Wigg

November 9, 2024

"I do recognize that the gist of a piece like SQUEEZE, which rests on renegotiating concepts of personal space and physical integrity, bears far more potency in a regional Nordic context, where we’re not so tactile with strangers, than elsewhere.", notes Ashik Zaman in a mash-up review of choreographer Tyra Wigg and now former fashion designer Ann-Sofie Back.

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I Folded the Night

November 8, 2024

Cariz Nordlöf left a promising career in medicine to pursue one in art, making her journey quite different from most art school students. Fastforwarding some years from our very first meeting back in 2017, and she just presented her BFA degree show Jag vek ihop natten / شب را تا کردم at Konstfack. "Words taking the shapes of prose, poems and fragmented sentences are a big part of my practice.", says the emerging artist.


October 12, 2024

"Tragedy I sense is about images; how we're molded by images and tropes, how we perform these images, cut and copy them into new images and reproductions. As such, Tragedy I believe is not interested in setting a new bar for originality or being praised for its inventiveness.", writes Ashik Zaman about Louis Schou-Hansen's premiere of his piece at PODIUM.​

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​Visions of Katarina amid Jansson and Munch​

October 6, 2024

"Katarina Löfström’s exhibition manages to enhance and shape the gaze on the permanent collection for me, and it’s not just an abstract thought or concept; but a reality." We might sing our praises about Katarina Löfström's collection-bending exhibition Visioner at Thielska Galleriet as being among the best this year, but in this review no on gets off the hook; neither artist nor museum.
​A journal about contemporary art
© 2024 C-print

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